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I'm curious to know as to what inspired you to create a nice piece of work. I appreciate the detail that you put into it and can only imagine how long this took to create. Even though you only create the model of this captain, I can already imagine the scenario and setting of this man in your style which is what make me like it even more. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see a great work and i hope to see more from you in the future
I like the retro aesthetic of it
I like that you created it more in your own design and color palette, it makes this piece of art that much more unique. Though the model of your design is clearly showing excitement, the warm tones of your color choices makes it more 'soothing' and 'relaxing' in a way. All in all your work is fantastic and hope to see much more in the future
I like cartoons.
Just shit drawings of people I hate/recommended to me
Joined on 12/3/21